CWS Approach

Our mission:
We seek to overcome all barriers in order to unite advanced workers through a common scientific socialist education in preparation for a future party that can give sound leadership to the working class in the United States.

What we study:
This education necessarily focuses on Marx and his students, whose collective theoretical contributions have not been surpassed by capitalist “social science.” Among the students of Marx, we focus on those we call “theorist-practitioners,” Marxists who have not only made theoretical contributions, but have also tested their theories in practice, thus earning each the title of scientific socialist.

Our current projects:
We hold regular reading groups (often several at the same time) discussion groups, socials, and in-person educational gatherings for the sake of educating ourselves so that we can educate others. We are also working as a part of the Marxist Leninist Media Federation to spread Marxist-Leninist study and build reading groups nationally and internationally.

How we plan to grow as an organization:
Our vision for expansion is a web of local reading groups throughout Chicago’s many neighborhoods. This vision allows for the formation of camaraderie on a local basis that makes theory and practice meaningful, personal, and, ultimately, effective.
This organizational form is by no means the end goal, but one way of beginning on the path toward it.

Why we are not a party or members of a party:
Parties are the highest form of working class organization. They build upon a vast base of support from which they gain their strength. Parties in the USA have no such vast basis.

“There can be no ‘impartial’
social science in a society
based on class struggle.”
– V. I. Lenin